Advising Clients since 1980
What is Eldercare?
As all of us grow older, we may face health issues that prevent us from living independently in our homes and managing our resources as appropriately as we did when we were younger. Eldercare is skilled assistance in varying levels provided by professionals to compensate for our lessening abilities to adequately do those things for ourselves. While Alzheimer’s is a disease which is discussed in another section, growing old is normal and requiring assistance is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Instead, it represents an awareness that help would be beneficial and the presence of mind to seek that help in order to provide the quality of life to which we all aspire.
Activities of Daily Living
Activities of daily living (ADLs) are activities related to personal care. ADLs include bathing or showering, dressing, getting in or out of bed or a chair, using the toilet, managing medications and eating. If an elderly person is unable to perform one or more of these tasks for him or herself, their spouse, children or other loved ones often step in to help. But family caregivers may find themselves overwhelmed, even experiencing injury and stress-related health problems of their own. Help is available! But locating the right services from in-home care and adult day care to an assisted living or long-term care facility can be daunting.
Professional Care Management
There are so many aspects associated with care management and the constantly changing nature of the services required that Shoreline recommends professional advice, available in varying amounts and costs. Feel free to e-mail with questions, comments or referral requests.
Specific Eldercare Planning Information & Strategies
If you have additional interest, please click on one of the following underlined links: 1) Eldercare Management; 2) In-Home Care; 3) Assisted Living; and 4) Fiduciary Services for more detailed information about each option.
Shoreline’s Competitive Edge
We are a network of independent professionals with over 150 years of combined experience in wealth management and advice. Members of this network can be used individually or collectively for a single program or a series of seminars or workshops for your company or organization.
For more information:
If you’d like more information about how diversified investment advisors can help you achieve your financial objectives through personalized wealth or retirement and risk management strategies, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your unique needs and how we may best meet them.
This page is updated regularly so check in from time-to-time to see new articles and updates. You can click on any underlined words on each page to view a specific link or in the left margin of each page to explore a specific wealth management topic.
Charles M. Bloom, Registered Principal offers securities and advisory services through Centaurus Financial, Inc. - Member FINRA and SIPC - 775 Avenida Pequena, CA, 93111 (mailing address: 3905 State Street Suite 7173, Santa Barbara, CA, 93105) - CA Life Insurance License No. 0A52786 - Centaurus Financial, Inc. and Shoreline Wealth & Investment Management are not affiliated companies.
The information contained in this web site is neither an offer nor solicitation of any security or service.
All photos courtesy of Shoreline Summit Photography